Friday 8 October 2010

Research into Panoramic images

There are thousands of panoramic images out there, as they are useful for a huge variety of reasons. 
I found some images of panoramic pictures online that represent different methods and different uses of panoramic images.

This panoramic image of San Diego shows how Panoramic images are used to show large areas and skylines of city's and open areas.

 Another image like the other.

Panoramic images are also taken inside property and within confined places to give an image of, for example a 360 degree view of a room.

This 360 degree panoramic images of Hellbrunn banqueting hall, this images shows the entire inside of the hall in a flat image. This form of panoramic images are used in real estate to help show all of a property to a potential buyer.

I have taken photos at several locations such as Brighton pier and Brighton's west pier. I have begun to digitally blend the images. Hopefully to create an image similar to those shown above.

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