Thursday 3 May 2012

End of Year Show Brief

New Brief: The brief was set two week ago but in order to save jumbling up of briefs I have saved posts to place in after this.

Assessment Rationale / Aims:
This module aims to provide students with the practical and cognitive skills needed to present themselves and their work in a professional environment. The emphasis is on developing experience with presentational techniques and understanding career paths, as well as encouraging self evaluation skills.
On exiting the course the student should have a realistic and broad grasp of the landscape of the commercial digital media industry.

Learning Outcomes for the Assessment:
Demonstrate an awareness of the career paths within the creative industries by delivering a talk to peers about their work that demonstrates their ability to evaluate their practice and verbally articulate this with reference to a chosen career path and the work of others.
Investigate legalisation affecting Digital Media Design productions.
An increased awareness of the responsibilities of professional practitioners.
Demonstrate the ability to network and communicate using a variety of tools.
Prepare self and work confidently for professional presentation.
Exhibit a body of work publicly, demonstrating an understanding of presentation considerations and competence with presentation skills.

The Brief (general description of the course work requirements)
For this assignment you are going to publicise and manage your Graduation Show, prepare some publicity for the show and some self publicity material.  This includes managing the event and preparing both print and digital material for exhibition.  This is your graduation show for the whole FdA so that means you are putting forward work from both years of your course, not just from the second year.

You will produce a website which showcases your own digital media design work.  You will use html, css and javascript to create an interactive portfolio which shows a selected range of your work.  The url for this website will be published on your promo cards (such as postcards or business cards) which you will distribute at the Graduation Show.
You need to secure your own Domain name and hosting.

As part of the process of preparing yourself for professional life after graduation, you will prepare an up to date CV and design a postcard or business card you can distribute at the graduation show and give to potential employers or contacts.

Publicising the Show
The Digital Media Design Graduation Show 2012 is going to be at the Brighton Media Centre on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th June, with a ‘private view’ event on the evening of Tuesday 12th.

It’s really important that both the right people are invited to the show and that lots of people are invited to the show; poor turn-out makes for a pretty sad event and forgotten supporters will not be as helpful in future.  It’s an important part of your role, as event organisers, to make sure it’s going to be a well attended evening.

You will have to work on the following publicity well in advance:-
1. A visual identity for the show that is worked into posters, flyers, invitations, eflyers
2. Guest / invitation list, plus contact details, and invitations distributed in advance, possibly with reminders closer to the time
3. An online presence for the show in the form of a website and/or a Facebook Event .

To decide on the branding imagery for this year’s show, you will each develop at least one poster design idea to pitch to the group.  The decision about which design will be used for the publicity will come out of a group discussion, guided by your tutors.  This is a competitive process, but also there will be some BA students wanting to put their designs forward so it isn’t guaranteed that an FdA design will win.

Organising the Show
You will have to co-ordinate with BAs, with whom you are sharing the show, to confer over hanging images (size of prints, number of and quality of prints, method of hanging), consistency of signage, (format, font face and size, type of printing and materials), presentation of screen based work (how many projectors, what they show, what sound is prioritized).  There is a meeting between the two groups on Wed 25th April, 2pm, (this date is subject to change)  at which plans will be made and responsibilities shared.  On going communication between the BA and FdA students will need to happen after that via designated representatives.  

The Show’s Content
You will act as an editorial team to shortlist the work that can go into the show, including having the debate about the wish to include work from all students in the show vs the amount, quality and balance of the show’s content which might not allow for contributions from everyone.

You will all need to put forward at least two images prepared for printing at A3 for consideration at short-listing stage.  You can put forward more than two, but be selective.  As well as graphic design, you can also create displays of stills from interactive, moving image and motion graphics work to propose for printing for the show.  You will all also put forward at least two full quality QuickTime .movs of moving image and motion graphics work for consideration. Though the group will act as show editors as much as possible, the teaching team have the final say in the selection of material to be exhibited.

Once the work is selected, it needs to be prepared for the show.  This includes the following:-
Selected print material needs to be professionally printed at the agreed size and quality in advance of the show.
A show-reel of AV (Audio Visual) work needs to be edited for the show.  There can be (based on group discussions) a long version (i.e. showing pieces in their entirety) and a short (i.e. a fast cut clips of content).  Students are responsible for this editing.

The Event
You need to create a rota of helping over the two days on June 12th and 13th, covering setting-up, supervising the show and packing back the show.  

Deadlines and Key Dates
You will pitch your poster ideas on Monday 23rd April
Posters to publicise the show and eflyers for digital distribution ready by Monday 7thth  May
Material put forward for consideration to the ‘editorial panel’ Monday14th  May
All print material for the show must be printed by Monday 11th June
All AV material for the show must be edited and exported by Monday 11th June
Portfolios must be online by Monday 11th June
The show is on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th June 2012

All pitches, proposals and crits must be in the form of prepared presentations.

Method of Assessment
What you need to submit:
At least one proposed show poster/flyer design
At least two A3 images for printing and at least two .movs for the show-reel are put forward for consideration for inclusion in the show
An html based portfolio hosted online using a relevant url
Printed business cards, postcards or another form of self publicity
A blog showing the design process of your graphic designs and the design and build process of your website. You must also use your blog to evidence your contributions to the management of the show and your individual contributions to publicising the show on and off line and your generation of invitation and guest lists. Your blog must be updated at least weekly.

All work must be labelled correctly for submission

Learning Outcomes/Marking criteria (To pass all learning outcomes must be met)

Pass Criteria (i.e. to achieve a 40% / D – to 49% D+)
You will individually produce the following:-
At least one proposed show poster/flyer design
At least two A3 images for printing and at least two .movs for the show-reel are put forward for consideration for inclusion in the show
An html based portfolio hosted online using a relevant url
Printed business cards, postcards or another form of self publicity
A blog of research and project development updated on a weekly basis as a minimum.

You will contribute to the following:-
Editing and preparing the show content
Publicising the show on and off line
Generating invitation and guest lists
Setting up, supervising and packing back the show

Enhanced Criteria (i.e. to achieve higher than 49%, A, B or C grades)
Well chosen images which are suitable for the show and correctly sized for printing were put forward for consideration
The .movs put forward for selection were well chosen and suitable for the show
The online interactive portfolio is visually engaging and well executed technically
CV is well laid out and highlights skills acquired in FdA
The business cards / postcards are well designed and professional.
You showed professionalism and good team-working skills in your contributions to the management of the show.
Your blog entries are detailed and cover visual, content and technical research, which underpins the development of your ideas and designs and reflects in detail your individual contribution to the groups fulfilment of the brief, updated more than once a week.

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