Tuesday 24 May 2011

The Briefs

Crash Bang Wallop

For Crash Bang Wallop, you will use video editing to convey a fast and stimulating experience. To do this, you will need to make a short film piece that is between 15 and 20 seconds in length. Your piece can either describe an everyday situation in a dramatic or dynamic way or subvert the expected response to a situation. For example,
· The unbearable loudness of making breakfast as seen through a hangover
· Riding a children’s roundabout made to seem dark, sinister and threatening
Create 15-20 seconds of video with no less than 30 edits, placing an emphasis on abrupt editing that makes it look as action packed as possible, and creates a mood such as discordance or dynamism. You will try to make a film which creates dramatic impact but is as economical and succinct as possible.

Sussex Lives Podcast

You will be planning, shooting and editing a short interview based film, 1 minute in length, that can be used as a podcast for the Sussex based property and lifestyle magazine Latest Homes Sussex (latestsussex.co.uk).The aim of this series of podcasts is to reflect the diversity of interesting people that live in the region as part of their ‘lifestyles’ section of the magazine’s website, and the series is called ‘Sussex Lives’.
You need to find an interviewee with a quirky or interesting story to tell, line up the interview, record it in an appropriate location and film cutaways to use in the editing. To make the interviews a consistent series, the interview questions will be edited out of the sequence and as a group you need to develop a consistent look and feel for the lower third captioning.

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