Monday 30 January 2012

Ideas Pitch

For my pitch I gave a presentation presenting the two briefs i have chosen to take further and my ideas for each.

For the Feel Good drinks briefs i showed some sketches and presented my ideas for an advertising campaign that would help bring awareness to the company brand and bottle. My idea is to create a feel good world where the  Feel Good bottle is loved by its inhabitants, with the images having a fun feel that fits the 16 to 34 year old age range.

I also presented my ideas on the Swarovski brief. My idea was to create 4 posters that represented in graphical form the lives of 4 modern woman niches that could be put together to make one larges image, I wanted to use simple colourful vector icons that each represented something about modern urban living.

The feedback I received from the pitch favored my Feel Good designs over my Swarovski ideas. With this feedback and the fact that I feel more comfortable in pursuing my Feel Good brief ideas, It will be the Feel Good brief that I will continue on with.

Here is the presentation I gave, although we were only required to look at two brief I chose three as I had thought of ideas for each.

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